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CAIRDAC raises €17m to finance the development of ALPS™ the first SELF-SUSTAINABLE LEADLESS PACEMAKER

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Interview with Professor Wouter Oosterlinck M.D, Ph.D.

Interview with Professor Wouter Oosterlinck M.D, Ph.D.

Interview with ProfessorWouter Oosterlinck M.D, P.hD.Professor Oosterlinck, M.D, P.hD., at the University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium gives us his professional opinion on how the power of the self-sustainable energy supply of ALPS™ addresses the currently unmet...

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CAIRDAC Autonomous Leadless Pacemaker powered by heart beats

CAIRDAC Autonomous Leadless Pacemaker powered by heart beats

Smart-MEMPHIS has proven, in vitro, the feasibility of a leadless pacemaker powered by the energy harvested from heart beats. A bulk-MEMS piezoelectric energy harvester has been designed and a specific industrial process has been developed in order to manufacture harvesters fitting inside a pacemaker capsule of less than 1 cm3 and able to extract energy from the low frequency vibrations of cardiac beats.

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